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Ways To Get A Workout In While Traveling



Maintaining a fitness routine while traveling can seem challenging, but with a bit of creativity and flexibility, it’s entirely possible to stay active and healthy on the go. Whether you’re confined to a hotel room, exploring a new city, or enjoying the great outdoors, there are numerous ways to incorporate exercise into your travel plans. From utilizing hotel amenities and portable fitness gear to engaging in outdoor adventures and local sports, the opportunities to work out while traveling are plentiful and varied. These methods not only help you keep up with your fitness goals but also offer unique ways to experience your surroundings. We’ll explore a variety of travel-friendly workouts that are effective, adaptable, and enjoyable, ensuring you can stay fit no matter where your travels take you.

Hotel Room Circuit Training

Maximize your workout without leaving your hotel room by engaging in circuit training. Utilize bodyweight exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges, and planks to target major muscle groups. You can easily tailor the intensity and duration to fit your fitness level and schedule. This type of workout requires no equipment and minimal space, making it perfect for travelers. A 20-30 minute session can effectively boost your heart rate and build strength.

Running or Jogging

Running or jogging through a new city is an excellent way to explore while keeping up with your cardio. This activity allows you to discover hidden gems and scenic routes that you might miss otherwise. It’s flexible; you can adjust your pace, distance, and route according to your preferences and fitness level. Early morning runs can offer a serene experience of the city waking up. Remember to stay safe by choosing well-lit, populated routes and letting someone know your planned route if possible.

Use Hotel Gym

Many hotels are equipped with gyms that guests can use, ranging from basic setups with a treadmill and weights to fully-equipped fitness centers. Take advantage of this amenity to maintain your workout routine. Hotel gyms offer the convenience of not having to leave the premises to get a workout in. Whether you prefer cardio or strength training, you can usually find the equipment you need. Working out in the hotel gym can also be a great way to meet fellow travelers.

Online Workout Classes

With the availability of online workout classes, you can turn any space into your personal gym. From yoga and pilates to high-intensity interval training (HIIT), there’s a vast array of options to choose from. All you need is a laptop or smartphone and enough room to move around. This is particularly useful for maintaining a routine when the weather or local amenities limit outdoor activities. Plus, it offers the flexibility to work out on your own schedule, making it easier to fit exercise into a busy travel itinerary.


Practicing yoga can be a grounding way to start or end your day, especially while traveling. It requires minimal space and can be done in your hotel room, a park, or on the beach. Yoga not only improves flexibility and strength but also reduces stress and enhances mental clarity. Bringing a travel yoga mat or using a hotel towel can make your practice more comfortable. There are plenty of online resources and apps to guide your practice, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi.


If your hotel or accommodation has a pool, swimming is an excellent low-impact workout that works your entire body. Swimming laps can be a meditative and refreshing way to start the day or unwind in the evening. It’s also a great alternative to more strenuous workouts if you’re recovering from an injury or looking for a gentle exercise. You can vary your strokes to target different muscle groups and improve endurance. Plus, swimming is a fun way to stay active, especially if you’re traveling with family or friends.

Walking Tours

Opting for walking tours instead of bus tours provides a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture while staying active. Walking tours can range from historical explorations to culinary adventures, allowing you to learn about the area’s history and cuisine. This form of sightseeing ensures you get your steps in, often covering several miles without even realizing it. It’s also a more environmentally friendly way to explore. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes, as you’ll be on your feet for a few hours.


Renting a bike is a fantastic way to see a city or countryside, offering greater range and flexibility than walking. Many destinations offer bike rental services or bike-sharing programs, making it easy to pick up a bike for a day or even just a few hours. Cycling is not only good exercise but also allows you to cover more ground and see sights at your own pace. It’s a sustainable mode of transportation that lets you enjoy the outdoors and get fresh air. Always remember to follow local traffic laws and wear a helmet for safety.


Hiking is an adventurous way to explore natural landscapes, from national parks to local trails. It offers the chance to disconnect from technology and reconnect with nature, providing both physical and mental health benefits. Hiking can be tailored to any fitness level, with trails ranging from easy walks to challenging climbs. It’s also a great opportunity to capture breathtaking views and wildlife sightings. Remember to prepare appropriately with good hiking shoes, water, and snacks, and always let someone know your route.

Jump Rope

Jumping rope is a highly efficient, full-body workout that you can do just about anywhere. It’s an excellent cardio exercise that also improves coordination, agility, and stamina. A jump rope is lightweight and portable, easily fitting into a suitcase or backpack. Just 10 minutes of jumping rope can burn as many calories as a 30-minute jog. It’s a versatile workout, allowing for variations like double unders or high knees to keep it challenging and fun.

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a travel-friendly workout tool that can significantly enhance your strength training routine. They come in different levels of resistance, making them suitable for beginners and advanced users alike. You can perform a wide range of exercises targeting various muscle groups, including squats, lunges, and arm curls. Because they’re lightweight and compact, resistance bands can easily be packed in your luggage. Integrating resistance band workouts into your travel routine can help maintain muscle tone and strength without the need for heavy equipment.

Park Bench Workout

A park bench can be your makeshift gym equipment for a variety of exercises. Utilize it for step-ups, dips, and incline push-ups to target your legs, arms, and core. This type of workout is not only effective but also allows you to enjoy the outdoors. It’s a great way to add some variety to your fitness routine, making use of your surroundings. Always ensure the bench is stable and secure before starting your workout to prevent injuries.


Stair workouts are an excellent way to build endurance and strength in your legs and glutes. Look for a set of stairs in your hotel, a nearby park, or a public building. Climbing stairs can be more challenging and rewarding than walking on flat surfaces, providing a great cardiovascular workout. You can vary your routine by taking the stairs two at a time, sprinting up, or doing calf raises on a step. This type of workout is easy to fit into a busy schedule, requiring only a small amount of time for a significant impact.

Active Commuting

Choosing to walk or bike for short distances instead of taking taxis or public transport is a simple way to stay active while traveling. This form of “active commuting” allows you to explore the area at a slower pace, noticing details you might miss otherwise. It’s also a cost-effective and environmentally friendly mode of transportation. Incorporating physical activity into your daily travel routine can contribute to your overall fitness goals. Plus, it provides a more authentic experience of the local lifestyle and environment.


Dancing in your hotel room is not only a fun way to work out but also an excellent stress reliever. Turn on your favorite music and let loose, using dance moves to get your heart rate up and work different muscle groups. This form of exercise can be particularly enjoyable after a day of sitting in meetings or traveling. You don’t need any special equipment, just enough space to move around safely. Dancing is a versatile activity that can be adapted to any fitness level and style preference.

Play a Sport

Engaging in a sport while traveling can be a great way to stay active and meet new people. Many parks and recreational areas offer facilities where you can play sports like basketball, soccer, tennis, or volleyball. Playing a sport not only provides a vigorous workout but also adds a competitive and social element to your fitness routine. You can often find local groups or pick-up games that welcome visitors. This activity allows you to enjoy the outdoors and get a break from the typical tourist activities.

Use Playground Equipment

Playgrounds are not just for kids; they can offer adults a unique setting for a workout. Use the monkey bars for pull-ups, the swings for leg exercises, and the various structures for climbing and strength training. This type of workout is both fun and effective, utilizing your body weight as resistance. Playgrounds are usually accessible and offer a change of scenery from the gym or hotel room. Just be mindful of children using the playground and ensure you’re using the equipment safely.

Beach Workouts

Beach workouts take advantage of the natural resistance of sand to intensify your exercise routine. Activities like running, lunges, and yoga on the beach not only provide a challenging workout but also offer stunning views and fresh air. The uneven surface of the sand helps improve balance and strengthens stabilizing muscles. Early morning or sunset workouts can be especially rewarding, offering cooler temperatures and picturesque backdrops. Always stay hydrated and apply sunscreen to protect yourself during outdoor beach workouts.

Travel-Friendly Fitness Gear

Investing in travel-friendly fitness gear can make staying fit on the road much more convenient. Items like a foldable yoga mat, a portable kettlebell, or a TRX suspension trainer are designed for easy packing and can be used in various settings. These tools allow you to maintain a strength training routine without access to a gym. They’re versatile, enabling a wide range of exercises to target different muscle groups. Having your own equipment can also provide the comfort and familiarity of your home workout routine, making it easier to stay motivated while traveling.

Body Weight Tabata

Bodyweight Tabata is a high-intensity interval training method that requires no equipment and little space, making it ideal for travelers. The format involves 20 seconds of intense effort followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for four minutes. You can use exercises like burpees, mountain climbers, and high knees to get a full-body workout. This efficient approach maximizes calorie burn and increases cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Tabata workouts can be easily adapted to any fitness level, providing a quick and effective way to maintain your fitness routine on the go.


Incorporating fitness into your travel itinerary not only helps you maintain your physical health but also enhances your overall travel experience. By exploring new cities on foot, taking advantage of hotel amenities, or even turning a beach visit into a workout session, you can keep your body active and your mind refreshed. The key is to be adaptable and make the most of the resources available to you, whether that’s a park bench for a quick strength session or an online class to start your day with yoga. With the strategies outlined above, staying fit while traveling becomes an exciting adventure in itself, allowing you to return from your trip feeling rejuvenated and perhaps even stronger than when you left. So, pack your workout gear and prepare to explore the world without compromising on your fitness goals.